La La Land: Review

Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2017


The 1920’s jazz era meets 21st century technicolour in this romantic drama. It was not only the characters Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) and Mia (Emma Stone) who’s eyes lit up, it was the audience’s too. Throughout this dazzling film was the constant shift between light and shade; this bold and artistic choice by ‘Whiplash’ director (Damien Chazelle)kept audiences engaged as it, alongside the music, assisted the love story that laid at the centre of this colourful master-peiece.

The movie tracks the lives of two strangers who fall in love, Mia a struggling actress and Sebastian a tortured jazz musician, along the way they face obstacles in their relationship such as their dreams, futures and carrers. The pair complimented each other with such ease and grace, their on screen chemistry was effortless throughout the film. Both Stone and Gosling do a fantastic job not getting lost a midst the jazz, silhouettes and dance numbers. The duo were simply illuminating, even with the picturesque backdrop of Hollywood and vine.

The film visuals look like they’ve been taken straight out of the golden age of cinema and painting by the rainbow. Linus Sandgren cinematography director who’s also worked on movies like the academy award winning ‘American Hustle’; his work was stylistically brilliant, every frame was as perfect as the next, truly a visual feast.

